NMGC Welcomes Amanda Goldman-Petri as Public Relations Coordinator

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Amanda Goldman-Petri, a member of Delta Xi Phi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. and a fraternity/sorority professional, will be serving as our Public Relations Coordinator for the remainder of the 2011-2013 term.

Amanda Goldman-Petri is a highly dedicated and passionate member of the fraternal community. She serves on the National Board of Directors for Delta Xi Phi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. as the Eastern Regional Advisor. Amanda is also the CEO and Founder of The Greek Tweak LLC and Co-Founder of Greek Growers, both launching in late January. The Greek Tweak will be your daily source of information on leadership development, recruitment strategies, academic achievement tips, and Greek life news. The company will offer daily articles, virtual online training courses, eBooks, workshops, leadership events, forums, scholarships, and more for fraternity and sorority members.

As an undergraduate at the Johns Hopkins University, Amanda served as Associate Member Educator and Chapter President for the Delta Xi Phi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. Lambda Chapter. She was a Founder of the local Multicultural Greek Council at Johns Hopkins, and also served as President of the council.

“I’m absolutely thrilled. I’ve been searching for a way to become more involved with the NMGC, and I think this is a perfect fit!” said Goldman-Petri.

Her marketing and website development background, as well as her work with The Greek Tweak will provide extensive opportunities for growth and development in NMGC public relations.

If you’d also like to welcome or introduce yourself to Amanda, you may contact her at pr@nationalmgc.org.

As a social and alternative media marketer, she would also like to extend an invitation for you to connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.



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