Anti-Hazing Statement and Policy

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The National Multicultural Greek Council, Inc. (the “NMGC”) is dedicated to the unification of multicultural fraternal organizations, and the betterment and empowerment of our communities through the individual and collective actions of its constituent fraternities and sororities (each, a Member Organization). Member Organizations each dedicate substantial time, money and resources to improving the lives of individuals and bettering their communities. Accordingly, a membership intake process that utilizes and/or condones acts of hazing is contrary to the mission and purpose of the NMGC and its Member Organizations.


The NMGC does not condone or encourage any act of hazing being conducted by or associated with its Member Organizations. The NMGC defines hazing as: any action taken or situation created, whether on or off university property, to produce mental or physical discomfort, pain, harm, embarrassment, moral degradation, harassment or ridicule, including any activities which are not consistent with federal, state or applicable local and institutional laws and/or regulations.

The NMGC Principles of Excellence require that each Member Organization adopt and maintain an Anti-Hazing Policy and Risk Management Procedures. This Principle reflects the NMGC’s stance on hazing, and its desire to encourage its Member Organizations to educate individual members on the harmful consequences of hazing, in any form.


Any Member Organization that violates the letter and/or spirit of this Statement and Policy will be subject to discipline, in accordance with Article X of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the NMGC.