Executive Board Elections: Nomination Period Now Open!

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The 2018 Election season is officially open! The National Multicultural Greek Council’s Executive Board is currently accepting nominations for President, Treasurer, and Secretary positions!

If you or someone  you know is interested in running, simply send an email to president@nationalmgc.org with the subject line “Nominations – Elections 2018”, and include the full name and email address of the person you’re nominating in the body. (Remember: you can self-nominate and nominate others, and you can nominate yourself or someone else for more than one position at a time!)

Here’s the Elections timeline (this is for the 2018-2020 term, which runs from June 1st, 2018 to June 1st, 2020):

March 18-25: Nomination period open for President, Treasurer, and Secretary

March 26-31: Nominees Accept/Decline period

April 1-May 31: Candidates Announced. Campaigning and Candidate Q&A open

June 1-2 (at the Annual Conference in Tallahassee, FL): Voting

June 2: Elections Results Presented

*NOTE: This timeline could be adjusted if deemed necessary, especially depending on enthusiasm shown by candidates/nomination acceptances. If changes are made, the membership will be informed as they happen.

Here are a few things to keep in mind about Elections:

  • To be considered for the position, candidates must meet the following requirements, according to Article 7. Section 9. Of the Amended and Restated Bylaws of the NMGC:

    • (i) be in good standing with his or her respective Member organization;

    • (ii) belong to a Member organization that is in good standing with the Council;

    • (iii) have at least two (2) years experience in a field related to the office sought to be held; and

    • (iv) be a graduate and/or alumni/ae member of his or her respective Member organization.

  • Nominations should be sent to president@nationalmgc.org with the subject line: “Nominations – Elections 2018”.

  • If you have general questions about the positions, running for office, what to expect, or anything else, please feel free to email me at president@nationalmgc.org.

    • Descriptions of the positions can be found in Article 4. Section 3. Letter A., C., and D. of the Amended and Restated NMGC Bylaws, which you can access here.

  • If you have position-specific questions/concerns that you’d like to discuss directly with the current officers, please feel free to email directly.




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