The following are the governing documents for the National Multicultural Greek Council:
The Amended and Restated Bylaws of the National Multicultural Greek Council, Incorporated, adopted April 17, 2010, and amended December 1, 2012; June 1, 2013; and June 28, 2014.
The NMGC Code of Ethics, which our member organizations and their members agree to adhere to in their everyday interactions with fellow NMGC member organizations.
The NMGC Mission Statement, “to promote multiculturalism by advocating for justice and equity, cultivating interfraternal relationships, and empowering its member organizations,” which was adopted on December 2nd, 2017 at the 2017 Winter Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
Does your member organization wish to submit a bill for consideration at the next NMGC Meeting? Click here to download a bill template.